Bridal Profile Image in the San Francisco City Hall 3rd Floor North Window
San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photographer
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Dramatic Bridal Portrait Photography

One of our favorite bridal portraits at San Francisco City Hall because of the drama and texture in the background. This profile shot was photographed without any professional lighting whatsoever. The rain outside helped create the mood and also assisted with making it a silhouette profile shot. It would have been nearly impossible if it would have been a brightly lit day at SF City Hall. Good wedding photography comes from making the most of the situation you are presented with.

We approach every SF city hall wedding by trying to make the most of whatever challenges or opportunities face us that day. One of the things I particularly like about this image is the fact that it combines texture with a silhouette image. Normally silhouettes have no texture and are relatively flat, but in this image both are present. It's nice when adverse weather conditions can actually make a city hall wedding photograph better. When I was traveling to San Francisco city hall that morning, I was unhappy because of the pouring rain. I figured it would ruin part of the shoot. I could not have been more wrong! Not only did it help with this photo, but the rain actually stopped when it was time to head outside. Perfect time all the way around.

How to Make your SF City Hall Wedding the Best it Can Be

All in all, an amazing city hall wedding with a great bride and groom. The events of this day help us understand that no matter what the circumstances, its possible to make your wedding day memorable. Things can go wrong on your wedding day, but the important thing is handling it in a positive way. It took me a while to learn this even with multiple weddings under my belt. So now I help all of my couples understand how to turn potential negatives into positives.

The top San Francisco city hall wedding photographers need to always be flexible and ready for anything. They are able to adapt to these kinds of changing situations and make better photos because of it. Rain or other weather challenges can be turned into something good as was illustrated in this photo. There are other examples of rain helping out when it comes to wedding photography. One notable example is the reflection that the wet ground causes. Especially wet sidewalks or streets. They can make a wedding picture amazing. Think of why they always do car commercials on wet ground. It's the fresh feel and the reflections caused.

Consider Spending Part of your Wedding Day at the Palace of Fine Arts - Here's why

The photo below was taken on a great day with perfect weather at the Palace of Fine Arts. Quickly after the bride and groom's San Francisco city hall wedding was over we went right into formal photos of them around the building. The couple was very willing to work with us and did a wonderful job posing. As you can see below, the newlyweds make a beautiful couple.

Helpful Hints For Newlyweds at the Palace of Fine Arts

  • Consider going to the Palace of Fine Arts earlier in the day for better light on the building
  • Bring a picnic blanket and we can set up a fun wedding picture with props
  • Incorporate some of your close family in your wedding photography at the Palace
  • Make sure to go to the back of the Palace of Fine Arts building for pictures - some great spots!

The incredible Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco - Wedding Photography

Asian Couple posing at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco after their city hall wedding

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