For more information about having your wedding at San Francisco city hall please go to our Home Page This was not actually a wedding at San Francisco city hall because the couple was already married when they arrived at the building. The bride and groom came here to celebrate their recent nuptials and have some…

Beyond SF City Hall Wedding Photography
Often times there is more to photographing a San Francisco city hall wedding then just making nice pictures. The day of the wedding can be stressful and it is no different at city hall. Though truthfully, there is less to go wrong because with a civil ceremony you avoid problems with setting up the reception,…

Living and Getting Married in San Francisco
The San Francisco Life Kissing in Front of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Many people have told me that I am a rare breed, an actual San Francisco native. I was born in the city and lived there for many years with my family when I was young. Even after moving inland for…

SF City Hall Event Closure – What to Do?
With the pandemic far back in everyone’s minds, San Francisco City Hall is starting to have private events again. The only good thing that came out of the pandemic is that City Hall had very few private events for a couple years afterwards. This made our job very easy for quite a while. In most…

San Francisco City Hall Events Photography
We always talk about how great San Francisco City Hall is for weddings and of course Wedding Photography. There are so many iconic locations to photograph here, most notably the Grand Staircase, Rotunda and Mayor’s Balcony. Wonderful backgrounds for wedding photography with amazing early 1900’s architecture that is called “Beau-Arts”. This style is from France…

Embrace the Crowds at SF City Hall
This short blog post is going to run counter to everything you have read and heard about San Francisco city hall wedding photography when it comes to crowds. All we ever talk about as city hall wedding photographers at this venue is how to avoid the crowds with the obvious intent to NOT have people…

Family Affair at San Francisco City Hall Wedding
Deb and Bart on the 4th Floor of city hall in Black and White Another fun wedding today for this SF City Hall couple. Deb and Bart made the most of their visit to San Francisco. The 2 of them made the trip to California all the way from Boise, Idaho just to get married…

Fun Wedding Dress at SF City Hall – Photography
We photographed Cheri and Wesley’s San Francisco City Hall wedding on 10/13 and had never met them prior to the wedding. When I arrived at City Hall, I contacted Cheri so we could meet briefly prior to the wedding. Since I didn’t know what she looked like I asked her where she wanted to…

Italian Weddings in San Francisco – Part 1
I will admit to having a soft spot for big Italian weddings, especially in San Francisco. As an Italian myself who grew up attending large Italian parties, I have experienced the amazing food and fun traditions. Plus, I certainly have attended (as a guest) many Italian wedding in San Francisco over the years for friends…

Special Events at San Francisco City Hall
With the Spring Season coming and San Francisco City Hall weddings ramping up in February, special events are also back and occurring more frequently than anytime since the Pandemic. We saw a considerable decrease in special events after City Hall reopened following the Covid closure, but now enough time has passed that companies are back…